Good by cruel world!!!
Let me see?
Hey! mouse where did you put the fishing gear?
What do you mean you put it in my bed roll!
You know what happen the last time.
It took a week to get that hook out.
Did you load the Henry?
I have got the coffee.
What about the greener?
The reloads are it the tack shed.
What do you mean sally won’t get up?
Give him some oats, he’ll get the move on.
What the heck? Did you put the radio on that camping show?
Sally said what?
He said that the world was going to end.
Who said that?
Sally said that the fellar on the radio said that.
Well mouse it your fault for putting the radio on that station.
I said to put on some soft music to calm him down so we could take him camping.
He keeps saying mine eyes have seen the coming.
They were sing hymns!
You would know that takes a jackass to believe that jackass on the radio.
Now Get up sally you will get sand in eyes.
Mouse saddle old calliope she is calm and steady.
Let ride the trout are a biting. Heeeee!! Haaaaw!! Ride!!!
thank you lord and god bless all