Roy's beep

Friday, August 19, 2011

need a lot of kisses

Just a Friday moment?
thank you and god bless

Thursday, August 18, 2011

lot of gray

Well folks I had a few things to that care of with my upcoming eye surgery on September 12. The doc has said I am to stay off the computer for a bit till my eyes have healed. Right now all I see is a very dim shade of gray.  I don’t want you all to think I have given up on writing or my blog. It’s just I have a hard time seeing at the present. And we have had a lot of fishing to do with the grandkids summer vacation and getting ready for back to school.

Here some Friday moments I would like to share with you.  I have some beginners luck with the photo I have been taking.  

just a days limit of rainbows

just say a pray

the sun gets in my eyes


cat fish 18 inch

here comes mouse
there are some questions that need answered to Anna the little red flowers in the one picture are red fairy trumpets. and Jim yes that is one of the places i go fishing. thank you for stopping by and god bless i will get back to posting more offend as soon as the doc says it OK. 

the blogger who read and comment

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