Mind experiment 4

Now let’s take an orange. It is breakfast time for me. I would like some fresh orange juice. So let’s put it in a blender. What happens, all the forces of nature are applied. We look into the blender and see a whirling mass and a vortex void, a hole. Something is escaping from the blender it is the smell of an orange its fills the air. If we let the blender run, the orange becomes a liquid, and run longer it become a dark mass, err mess. Still running longer our black hole machine becomes a dark mass. At which point we call 911 and through the whole mess in the garbage. I still want some fresh OJ. Heat and the aroma is all that escaped the experiment untouched. Is this the same as the ice cube experiment?
In 1990 astrophysics’ announce that the univerce is not made up the way we have believed. We now have black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. Normal matter the stuff that is known to us, makes up only 5% of the univerce, 25% is dark matter, the rest is dark energy. Could it be that heat the most common form of energy, accelerated to the speed of light cube, and the only thing that escapes a black hole is dark energy? The matter is then void of energy is dark matter. This seems to me to fit the laws of physic. I do not possess the math skills to write the formula or proofs of this. What do you think?
Watch this video it may give light to all this: http://www.ted.com/talks/patricia_burchat_leads_a_search_for_dark_energy.html
Hey guys she is a lady!
Thank you for your time, god bless
we all better hope so .. their much more forgiving then us guys lolhttp://jpweddingphotograpy.blogspot.com/2011/02/free-your-mind-and-rest-will-follow-and.html
Roy - this is some heavy stuff - but so very interesting - need a revision course in physics now : )
You pulled me into the black hole this time. Where will you pull me next? Some great thoughts here..
Thank you for an interesting read. I am fascinated by all subjects of thought and learning, and wish I knew more! I appreciated your clarity of thought.
You had me clearly with the typewriter black hole, but you lost me with the blender. After all, even aroma is recognizable matter. Interesting though. I like orange juice, but I like whole oranges better. haha
Very thoughtful post Roy. I really do get the typewriter black hole, as I'm sure many writers do. Thanks for the post.
Great way of trying to explain theory of matter, and black holes Roy. But got other things on my mind right now. Got friends in Christchurch with a huge chasm across their property...chuck a rock into it and you can't hear any clunk at the bottom. Now that's what he calls a black hole! :-)
*holds head* GAH. Not ready for existentialism! NOOOOES! *mind explodes*
Roy good stuff, anyone that can bring up and work around Mr. Hawking's theories is a thinker for sure.
sorry but i did warn you to fasten your seat belt RM
Give the man an orange! well done Roy.
Cheers A
Hi, Roy, I don't visit often enough, but when I do get the opportunity, you never fail to take me on a fabulous trip!
Hey Roy this is some heavy reading but interesting.
Roy very informative...thank you :)
You know Roy even light can't escape black hole.rather deviates to its core. What about Antimatter? Seems you're in right track.
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