This is but a stop on the Blog-A-Licious Blog Tour
Welcome to my blog lodge, we have a lot of fun here. So join in the fun and after you have enjoyed this little treat. Please sign the comment book so we can make you next visit better.
I would like to extend a special welcome to the folks that have arrived here from 5. Kate & Ashley -
I hope that you have had fun and without further ado please read on. Have fun.
Theme - A World without Books
I don’t think there is such a place. I love to go out in the wild and open wilderness even there are books.

Not the kind bound and written on paper, the kind that are written on the ground, on trees, the rocks, the streams, even the sky. I hear some say there are no books there. But that just because they don’t know how to look for them or read them. There is story written called “Down by the Water Hole.”
It a fun story with many character. There is a big buck deer, and a couple of does, a raccoon and otter, frog, ducks and geese’s, and a snake in the grass. There are the stories written by the rain. I have read stories of love writhen on trees, stories of strife, story of territories, and stories of I’m bigger then you are, written by some illiterate bear. There are Stories of battle, stories of I was here, all written on trees.
Every rock has a story if you know how to read them. There more books out here than in the libraries of congress.
Every rock has a story if you know how to read them. There more books out here than in the libraries of congress.
Back before time man wrote on the walls, ha, ha, somewhat like over there on face book.
But they were hard to pack around in your hip pocket. One of the first books that were portable was the walking stick, sometimes called the taking stick. The stories written there were adventure and travel, the history of a people. Some found these books very educational, many have been spoiled by it.
These books held I lot of information a lot like the PDA’s and cell phones of today. They were highly prized symbol of power that was pasted on to the next generation.
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talking stick |
Down in Arizona there is a kangaroo mouse that carries a walking stick. In the hot desert sun, they can be seen running around with their stick. They will run across the hot sand, about twenty feet, then stop and put the stick down and stand on to keep their feet of the hot sand. If you are quick you can grab the stick, the mouse will lie down and die if you don’t give it back. There can be sticks all around him but he won’t pick one up. When you put the stick back down he will grab it and run off to stop and rest on his stick. I have looked at their sticks and there are marks they have made on them.
I don’t read mouse writing. So I don’t know what stories they tell on their talking sticks.
I don’t read mouse writing. So I don’t know what stories they tell on their talking sticks.
This is stop number six on the Blog-A-Licious Blog Tour, a tour of a world with book. I hope you have had a great time here in a world without books. Thank you for your visit and God Bless
Here is the itinerary for the tour.
Tour Theme - A World Without Books
1. Dora -
2. Kriti -
3. Sonia Rumzi -
4. Paula -
5. Kate & Ashley -
6. Roy -
7. Shaeeza -
8. Anna -
9. Lisa -
10. Jessica -
11. Corinne -
12. Nicole -
13. Tosh -
14. Desiree -
15. Shelley -
16. Tessa -
17. DK Levick -
18. La Vonya -
19. Janet -
20. Jim -
21. Linda -
22. Sibylla -
23. Amber -
24. Lori -
25. Neil -
26. Tina -
27. Babz -
28. John -
29. Violet -
30. Dora -
Thank you and God Bless
Very entertaining Roy. Funny and so very good. Thanks.
Awesome book story. You're right, books don't have to be in paper form. Cool mouse stick story:)
Such a beautiful way to look at the world! You've expanded my mind another notch today, Roy :)
it has all ways puzzle me why people won't see of read the stories that are written all over the world by the animals bug and worms. the books of nature. the mouse story is a true story. thank you for dropping by and have fun on the tour, god bless
Love the pictures!
I knew I would read something unique here. That is awesome.
Sir you took it to the next level.....
My favorite are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs the oldest writing system in the world.. Such stories that were told.
Roy, I love your post! What a unique look at the topic!
I'm going with Jessica on this "you took it to another level". Thank you Roy for that little slice of wisdom.
Cheers - Dora
How about a face Roy - sometimes even a face is an open book, and sometimes a book not too easy to read... You are so right there are stories everywhere. Lovely post
Hey, that picture of the writing on the rock. If I am correct it says:
Grog: Went deer hunting this weekend. Bagged a 9-pointer.
Ugg likes this.
Great post, Roy!
As a science teacher, I totally agree with how you say there is writing in the rocks. In fact, part of my year is spent teaching students how you can determine age and what happened during the time that certain rocks were made. Great post, glad to be on the Blog-A-Licious Tour with you.
Roy! This is amazing, I LOVE IT!! I did not know about that mouse - how fantastic and intriguing. My husband went to Arizona a couple of years back and tried to explain the heat to me, but he said it was something that truly had to be experienced to be understood!
Delightful Roy, thanks. Glad you are in this tour.
I loved it Roy! I loved how you made the observation that the whole world is our book. That stories are told in animal tracks, etched into the sticks of mouses even ;) That there are stories all around us, writing themselves all over creation. Beautiful! :)
Great post, Roy:)
What a beautiful post! I enjoyed reading it very much!
Good stuff Roy, knew when I looked in here I would learn something interesting. Hey, nice one about the mouse stick! True?
I really enjoyed this Roy - my favorite was the mouse walking sticks. Closely observed nature! Fun to discover you on the tour. Tian
Love the photos!!! Thank you so much for sharing.
Roy - this is an amazing post! I was whisked away to the mouse carrying its little stick. Your description of nature's "books" abounds with heartfelt beauty and mystique. I will never look at nature the same way again...and we do a ton of hiking and flat water kayaking. I enjoy photographing nature...but who knew I was photo"copying" books! Wonderful job - I've become a follower and instant fan thanks fo the blog tour. Have a great Monday! ~Janet~ JLB Creatives
That was great, as usual, Roy. I love to read what is around me. I would like to read better, in particular in the wild. I am refreshed by reading this post and I think I will check out the blogalicious tour!
Thanks, Roy.
Love, Linda
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