Wednesdays Child is full of woe. I did not understand this line from the poem Monday
child. It was about thirty years ago, a friend of my daughter’s mother had a brain
aneurysm, the mother was dying her name was Michelle. She had five kids in ages
from 8 to 18; her husband was killed in Vietnam during the war. On her death
bed she had ask me to take and raise her children.
Michelle story is one I am not here to tell. Of Michelle’s children I raised two that I now
call my own. After Michelle’s death the state came in and put the children in
the foster care system as wards of the state. I had to be registered as a
foster parent and my home be certified in order to take the kids. At first I had all five the older two, one was
getting married the other was on his own and looking to go into the service. The state came and took the younger ones to a
state group home while I was getting certified. Michelle’s sister took the youngest boy and I by
court order received my daughter friend and now sister Michelle and later we
got Michelle’s Brother Danny.
The day that I went to pick up Danny from the state group
home is one I will never forget. Michelle was brought to our home a drop off
with all her belongings. It was a month or so later when the court let us have
Danny. I went to the state group home to pick him up. The facility was a three
ring security facility that is it had a twelve foot high double row chain link
fence with barbed wire on top all the way around the facility. From the guard shack you were let through one
gate then it was close behind you before they would open inter-gate. Once inside
you drove to a two story building and went through another security check,
including being finger printed. I was there to pick up a ten year old boy not a
convicted felon.
Inside I was met and spent forty five minutes talking with a
psychologist, then Danny was brought in and another forty minutes of the psychologist. We were then escorted to Danny’s room with a
box to put his thing in. as we walked thru the common area Danny’s friend were
excited for him to be going home. Many of the kids came up to us asking if they
could go home with me.
Have you even been to
a dog pound to get a dog or walk thru the red light district? Well it was kind
of like that.

Danny’ room was a small eight by ten foot room
with tan or off white walls, a six inch by two foot window, a cot that was
bolted to the wall and three shelve for his things, a writing desk with a pull
out seat and an electronically locked gray metal door with a four by twelve
inch window in it, Not much different than a jail cell.
Now I did voice my opinion of the group home and was told
that it was also the state reformatory or detention center as if that made it
all right. It was clean and secure but
there was no love of family.
I left with Danny and wish I could take those kids home with
me. I don’t know of other Group home for children but I pray they are more of a
home than the one I visited.
If you can become a foster parent, please, there are many children
out in dire need of a good home.
Check out this page and like if you will
Check out this page and like if you will
Think you for coming by and god bless.
This is sooooooo sad..I hate it absolutely hate it..wish all kids could be in loving homes with no pain and suffering....As always...XOXOXOXOXO
Thank you so much for adding this link to your page. We hope to be a blessing to these children in need and provide for them an opportunity to go to camp like many other kids around the country. Our goal is to see them enjoy their childhood and provide an environment that helps them to see beyond the current circumstances.
- Michael
That was an eye opener and only a noble person like you can want to adopt more than the two brother and sister.
Roy, this really was a prison. I'm just glad you came and rescued this child. Bless you cowboy, for all the difference you've made in this cruel, cold world, for the light you've shone in the dark.
Unbelievably tragic! My heart broke thinking of all those beautiful, abandoned children living in that horror. So glad to know you could rescue one . . .
Blessings, Roy!
I've often thought of being foster parents but our home and life-style would never go over, though I know it is all better than this. four walls and a cot is not enough. adding the straight-jacket and chains makes it a crime.
Sad state of a place for the kids to be in, in the first place.
Hats off to you for taking care of those kids...:-)
No words....I just pray all kids find love and security. Love of a family is not something a child can do missing out on in life.
u are really a true person
God bless u for this Roy,not everyone has a heart like yours.
Gee Roy, this hurts. How on earth do those kids get a chance in life , being conditioned behind bars?
You're a great guy Roy.
My daughter is going through a long, tedious adoption process now. Hopefully some child will become hers. My daughter is a psychological professional, earns good money, buying her own home, a committed Christian, devotes 2 days a week to helping challenged people back into society, and yet the adoption system will vet her so much more stringently than many parents who abuse their kids!
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