Roy's beep

Thursday, December 8, 2011

lot of gift ideas for women

Whoa! Men! That is a dangerous trail up ahead. Women! Well! 

They like strings of pearls .diamond Rings, fine chocolate, shiny things, and changing their mind. It can drive a man plum loco! Trying to figure out just what they want. 

They don't like mouse. They like kitten, puppy dogs, soft furry things, and clothes.

wolf puppy's

 Well, they don't care for mouse. They like to dance, and drink champagne. They like to talk on the phone. They don't like being alone. But they will tell you to leave them alone. They like hugs and kisses; sometimes. They're not crazy about outboard motor or weed eaters. They like ribbons for their hair, and things to make them smell nice.

 Where is that darn mouse he might know something! Well! You had better get something, even if they say don't. You will be right if you are wrong, and wrong if there are right and their always right. Like I said it's a dangerous trail. Good luck! I'm going to find mouse and see if he can get me out of this mess!!!

PS: Give them all your love.

Thank you for coming by and god bless


Corinne Rodrigues said...

So what's Mrs Durham getting this year, apart from a new roof?

Alpana Jaiswal said...

Roy,you are the perfect gentleman around...I wish everyone was as sensitive as u...

JANU said...

Ha ha ha...that is funny. You do know, yet you don't. Nice try Cowboy, hope you impress your Mrs.

sulekkha said...

Lucky Mrs Durham and Generous Mr Roy, what a Christmas !!! :)

photos by jan said...

Great one Roy. You got us girls nailed pretty well. <3

Rimly said...

Oh wow! I wish for at least one of those things Roy! A great list of things. You are a lady's man indeed!

The Poet said...

So Roy...the cowboy get-up is a're a lady's man after all! You've got the right idea my friend...women are ALWAYS right...but if all else fails, just give them a romantic like a charm. I've got plenty if you'd like to borrow one (lol)!

You're the best, Roy!
Thanks for sharing.

For ref:
My Wife, My Priceless Jewel

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